Gambling Anonymous:
is a help and support group created at different place
across the world to help and extend support to addicted
and compulsive gamblers to recover and emerge out of the
addiction to gambling which is ruining their family
lives. To be a member of gambling anonymous, all that is
needed is an acceptance of the fact that one is addicted
to gambling and a strong and honest desire to quit.
There are no fees or money charged to join; the group
sustains itself from contributions and donations.
Gamblers Anonymous does is not constrained by any
religion, race,
color, creed or
geopolitical boundaries .The group does not claim to be
a part of any particular religious thought, though ,
prayers and God are a very integral part of the
rehabilitation process.
Identifying Gambling addicts
The only person who can pin point an addict is the
addict himself. Unless there is acknowledgement of the
problem, it cannot be affirmed. An addict, as per the
gambling anonymous forum is a person who is hooked to
gambling so much so that he ignores family, duties,
work, responsibilities and borrows form any source just
to fulfill his dire need to stake. Gambling anonymous
identifies this condition as a sickness for which there
may not be a cure, but it can definitely be arrested.
There are many a gambling addict who are seriously aware
of their problem and the consequences, but simply lack
the will power to take the bull by the horns and quit
How does Gambling anonymous help??
is basically the combined will power that works in
success of gambling anonymous. A group of people who
admit that they have a gambling addiction and are
willing to take steps to overcome it, come together,
meet ,discuss and try to help each other out .
Psychological, medical and spiritual assistance is also
taken to augment the process. The feeling of having a
large support group like this to fall back on eliminates
the isolation and rejection that an addicted gambler
might feel.
Gamblers anonymous, by its basic structure, that of
anonymity gives a lot of motivation to people. It is
considered very easy to open up in an anonymous forum,
to accept things about one and to accept other’s views
about oneself. GA or gambling anonymous as it is known
as provides such a platform to people seeking help.
Gambling Anonymous is just a collective effort in
helping people rediscover the power within them, to
change the course of their lives, for better. It helps
people recognize their own potential to improve the
quality of life and generates the confidence that they
can go back to the once so wonderful life they used to
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