Gambling Poker
by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker
Jan 10, 2007
Gambling Poker – Play Poker
The sport of gambling includes several games under its
purview. Most of the gambling enthusiasts prefer to play
games like baccarat, blackjack, craps and roulette,
either in the casinos or on the Internet. However, the
most commonly played and arguably the most popular
gambling game is poker. The game of poker has an
exclusive following of enthusiasts who like to play only
poker and no other game of gambling.
Poker Rules
Several people prefer poker as they find it very easy to
follow and master. Poker is basically a card game in
which the cards are ranked in the descending order. In
poker, Ace is the highest card followed by King, Queen
and Jack with 2 being the lowest. The game is based on
hands and the players must understand the value of each
hand before they start playing the game of poker. The
hands are ranked in the following manner:
1) Royal
Flush: This is the highest hand in which the player must
have Ace, King, Queen, Jack and10 of the same suit.
2) Straight
Flush: In this hand, the player is expected to have five
cards of the same suit in a sequence.
3) 4
of a kind: This hand consists of four cards of the same
4) Full
House: When a player has a full house hand, he would
have three cards of one kind along with a pair.
5) Flush:
With flush, a player would have all the five cards from
a single suit.
6) Straight:
The straight is lower to flush and consists of five
cards in a sequence.
7) 3
of one kind: In this type of hand, a player is expected
to have three cards of equal rank and two other cards.
8) 2
pair: In this hand, a player may have two pairs of cards
along with three different cards.
9) 1
pair: This is the lowest value hand and includes only
two cards of equal rank.
Wild Card
Apart from these hands, poker also comprises of a wild
card. The wild card is very important to the players as
they can give any rank and value to the wild card. Hence
they can use it at any given point of time. The wild
card can turn the game around totally.
These are some of the fundamental rules
of poker that every player must be extremely well versed
with. Though, there are certain variations in
poker too,
people usually like to play the normal version of poker
based on the above rules.

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