Gambling Cards
by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker
Jan 8, 2007
Gambling is a card game, which can prove to be addictive
even for the person who gets involved with this game for
the first time. More than just shuffling cards, this
game involves a lot of bluffing at times which can done
only when a person knows how to bluff without anyone
noticing. Men or woman who take interest and play this
game are well versed with the strengths and the faults
in playing this game. But not many can actually resist
the charm of this game.
The game and the Cards:
The cards, which are involved in this game, remain the
same but the tricks and the entire style of playing the
cards changes. Also the value of each card can change in
the various types of games, which are a part of
gambling. May they be traditional gambling games or the
ones, which have evolved with time. What remains the
same is the set of cards. The original pack of cards
contains 52 cards, which changes only in certain games
where 2 extra cards are the need of the game. Generally
known as a ‘deck’ or a ‘pack’ of cards, this game has
always taken the center stage in any indoor games. Rules
change with the game. Hence, the number of cards that a
player should possess also changes. The card, just like
a coin has two sides.
To play the game:
One on which the value of the card is
decided and the other side generally bears a design or a
picture which is irrelevant to the game. Gambling is a
game in which there is money involved a lot of times.
Hence, the cards play the most important roles in the
gambling games.
The ‘deals’ in the game are normally the number of
cards, which are distributed to the players in the game.
Winning a deal means eventually winning a part of the
money, which may be involved in the game. To play with
cards one should be well versed with some of the tricks
and traits of the card game. Not all can master the game
but definitely a person who takes keen interest in this
game learns a lot faster. Playing a game and winning a
game is secondary, but what comes first is to learn the
tactics that help one to find victory in every game that
he plays.

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