Addiction of Gambling
by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker
Jan 1, 2007
Addiction of gambling
The gambling is
addiction by which gamblers become addicted to the
thrill of risk-taking as his or her substance of choice,
much in the same way with other addiction. The action
itself becomes the drug. Gamblers typically engage in
games with other players, since part of the adrenaline
rush is in the appearance as a winner.
Symptoms of addiction
The criteria for
declaring people as addictive are mentioned below.
Preoccupied with gambling like
reliving past gambling experiences, handicapping or
planning the next venture or thinking of ways to get
money to gamble.
Needs to gamble with increasing
amounts of money in order to achieve the desired
Is the person restless or
irritable when attempting to cut down or stop
Gambles as a way of escaping
from problems or relieving different moods like
feelings of helplessness, guilt, anxiety or
After losing money in gambling,
often returns another day in order to get even
chasing, it is a classical behavior pattern
characterizing pathological gambling.
Lies to family members,
therapists or others to conceal the extent of
involvement with gambling.
The person commits illegal acts
like forgery, fraud, theft or embezzlement in order
to finance gambling
The person has jeopardized or
lost a significant relationship like job or
educational or career opportunity because of
The person relies on others to
provide money to relieve a desperate financial
situation caused by gambling.
The person makes repeated
unsuccessful efforts to control, cut back or stop
Causes of addiction
Many experts made
observations about the dynamics of the disease and the
personality profiles of those who yield to it.
Gambling addiction
experts believes that three criteria are necessary for a
person to become a pathological gambler like intolerable
feeling state such as helplessness, depression or guilt.
A highly developed capacity for self-deception is needed
and exposure to gambling and ways to solve it. Physical
or inherited predispositions are also thought to play a
role, though these links have not been proven. There are
many consequences of problem gambling all result in
economic costs for states, communities and individuals.
They are like job loss, unemployment, debt, bankruptcy,
embezzlement, fraud, check forgery, eviction, forced
home sales, crime, arrest and incarceration. These can
cause poor physical and mental health and later on
suicide. The families of gamblers also suffer greatly
from physical and psychological abuse like harassment
and threats from bill collectors and creditors and the
extra financial burden placed on them to repay debts.
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