Effects of gambling in sports
by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker
Dec 16, 2006
internet and its legalization. Government legalizes
gambling to earn more and more revenue. Gambling cost a
lot to the society as a whole. It has much adverse
effect on the family of the gambler and its social cost.
People waste their time in gambling instead of investing
it in other creative activities. Gamblers loose their
wealth, social image and confidence because of gambling
addiction. Gambling has a negative effect on other
sectors of the economy and slow down the pace of
development. Online and legalized gambling gives
initiative to people who do not gamble at all. Sports
gambling are placed on the single event of game, they
also bet on the probability to win a single event of the
Adverse effect of
gambling on sports:
Sport gambling is
illegal; still this business is growing at a very fast
rate. Illegal gambling has many bad effects on the
sports and if it is legalized then it will have far more
worse effect on the sport. Gambling badly affects the
integrity and sprit of the game.
Sport gambling adversely
affects the sport by inducing the organized crime into
the area of the sport. To earn more money players get
involved into the scandal of point –shaving. They pay
more attention to the spread of the points instead of
taking interest in the game. It affects the game by
manipulation. Game should be played with real enthusiasm
and for the country. Sports betting change the real
motto of playing. This problem will get worsted if
sports gambling are legalized. People crazy for sports
will loose all their faith in the sports for which they
are so much fond of.
Types of sports
There are many types of
sports gambling
and amongst them the most important is the point spread.
Point spread: In this type of betting only
winning of the team on which the gambler has betted is
not enough. Team should win with exactly the same point
as betted for. For a gambler winning of the team is not
enough but it should win with enough points to cover the
spread. Many newspapers and sport broadcasters also
promote gambling by giving news or making announcement
in such a way that favor gambling.
Money line:
money line is a kind of
bet which is restricted to on who will win or loose in a
particular event of the game.
This kind of betting is
more common in football, basketball, baseball and
hockey. It bets on the point that the total points
scored in the particular game will go over or under the
number established by the bookmaker.
Sports betting are not
good for the sport spirit and it should be banned. It
diverts the mind of the people from the real game to

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