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Monday, March 05, 2007

National Problem Gambling Awareness Week Begins on Monday

The National Council on Problem Gambling (NCPG) is announcing the National
Problem Gambling Awareness Week which is set to run from March 5 - 11. The
information displayed during the week will help people decipher warning
signs of problem gambling and make people aware of places they can call if
they discover a problem. The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board (PGCB) is
providing information on their website and many Pennsylvania casinos and
gambling interest groups will sponsor the NPGAW event. The PGCB will also
make available information discovered throughout the week on their website.
"The information that we are providing to the public includes documents
developed by the National Counsel on Problem Gambling such as: Signs of a
Problem Gambler; Older Adults and Gambling; and Signs of a Possible Gambling
Problem in Students," says Nanette Horner, the PGCB's Director of Compulsive
and Problem Gambling. The gambling board is not saying that gambling should
be avoided completely, just that it can lead to ill times for many people
who have a hard time controlling the impulsive desire to participate in
gaming activities. The NPGAW has several casinos and other gambling interest
groups sponsoring the event such as, Harrahs, the Pennsylvania Lottery, the
Horse Racing Commision, the Mohegun Sun at Pocono Downs, and others.

posted by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker at 3/05/2007 02:08:00 AM


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