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Saturday, January 06, 2007

4 indicted in gambling ring case

Four men, including an Arvada postal worker, have been indicted in an
alleged sports gambling operation that took in as much as $85,000 in bets
every week for a year. The alleged ring was broken after undercover Arvada
and Lakewood police officers were introduced to Mark J. Evans, 38, of
Arvada, who investigators say recruited bettors and collected and paid off
bets while on duty for the post office. Evans, a letter carrier based at the
Indian Tree station in Arvada, was arrested Dec. 26 and was being held
Wednesday in the Jefferson County jail on $100,000 bail. He is scheduled to
appear in court Jan. 11. An U.S. Postal Service employee for more than 14
years, Evans was placed on unpaid administrative leave, pending the outcome
of the investigation. Also indicted last month were William Burbidge, 65, of
Centennial; Todd Lane Vaughn, 42, of Brighton; and John Mencin, 57, of
Denver. Vaughn was arrested Dec. 22 and was released on $100,000 bond on
Dec. 26. His first court appearance will be today. Arrangements reportedly
are being made for Burbidge and Mencin to turn themselves in. All four men
face organized crime, conspiracy and professional gambling charges.

posted by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker at 1/06/2007 02:05:00 AM


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