Gambling site Bodog has odds up for the Playstation 3 launch. While I'm
intrigued, I think the person setting the odds and deciding on the bets
needs to do a little more homework. The site still has bets up on whether
the price will be changed before launch and whether the console will get
approval by the FDA before launch.
The only really interesting bet was on which game will sell the most copies
on launch day. Bogdog has Madden as the favorite, followed by Need for Speed
Carbon and then Resistance: Fall of Man. Sonic and then F.E.A.R. rounded out
the list, with F.E.A.R. fetching 19 to one odds. What they really need to do
is set odds for PS3, Wii and Xbox 360 console sales in November. That would
be interesting Brian Crecente
posted by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker at 10/27/2006 06:57:00 AM
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