Labor MP John Murphy has accused Family First Senator Steve Fielding of casting a vote which has helped boost gambling. Senator Fielding voted with the Government to allow an overhaul of the media laws to pass through Parliament. The legislation has already prompted a rush of activity as the major media players prepare for the new opportunities. James Packer's PBL has announced a partial sell-off of its media assets and an expansion of its gambling operations. Mr Murphy says Senator Fielding's vote is at odds with his pledge to support Australian families. "Senator Fielding must take his own advice and think carefully and then put a search engine through his conscience," he said. "Senator Fielding must explain to the Senate and his former party why last week he stood up for Australia's richest man to make him $4.5 billion richer out of the anti-family misery of poor people who lose their money out of poker machines and casinos."
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