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Sunday, July 02, 2006

Gaming Transactions Retains Prestige Asia

Gaming Transactions, Inc. a developer and provider of online games and
services for the online entertainment and gaming industries announces it has
retained Prestige Procurement and Networking Services (Prestige Asia) to
manage the Global Investor Relations program. The Company's central licensed
games portal, keno.com , is a destination online gambling property where
players may participate in a number of gambling and online gaming fixtures.
keno.com is licensed to Keno.com Ltd. (UK); a wholly owned subsidiary of
Gaming Transactions Inc. Sutida Suwunnavid of Prestige Asia said, "Gaming
Transactions Inc has great growth potential in Asia, both in the area of
online and mobile gaming"
Gaming Transactions Inc. has always viewed Asia as a prime market, being
able to take that step should significantly impact revenue and profits in
the coming year. The online gaming market in China is expected to grow by 28
percent this year with revenues reaching US$970 million according to new
figures from iResearch. This would put China just ahead of Korea's US$960
million in online game revenues.

It's also interesting to note the rapid expansion of Internet use in China.
Another report from eMarketer, China Online, delves into the incredible
potential for the online market in the country. There were more than 111
million Internet users in China in 2005 and that number is expected to
exceed 180 million by 2010.

posted by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker at 7/02/2006 07:14:00 AM


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