"Utilizing a software database program known as City Watch, developed by Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department's Homeland Security Bureau, casinos, public utilities, public transit systems and ancillary businesses would be able to store their plans securely on the Internet.
"The law was enacted in 2003. It requires casinos and other properties that could be subject to a crisis situation to file emergency response plans with the state. The law, Nevada Revised Statutes 463.790, requires resorts to maintain the plans and was designed to let first responders know how individual properties would react in the event of a terrorist attack or other disaster.
"The Metro program was funded by a federal Homeland Security grant. Metro purchased software licenses for up to 250 properties in Clark County.
"...Homeland Security Bureau Sgt. Kim Veillon said if the Clark County program is successful, Gov. Kenny Guinn may implement it statewide..."
posted by Jerry "Jet" Whittaker at 4/05/2006 11:11:00 AM
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