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Casino News DailyCasinos bet on growth in table games, removing slot machines to .Washington PostSlot machines, long the reliable soldier of gambling, are losing ground in Maryland’s casinos as younger gamblers seek out table games and older players can’t keep the slot stools filled. Over the past 15 months, Maryland’s three largest casinos .Maryland Casinos Opt for More Table GamesCasino News DailyMd. casinos cutting back on number of slot machinesChron.com27autres articles »Casinos bet on growth in table games, removing slot machines to . – Washington Post

Casino News DailyMaryland Casinos Call for Lower Slots PayoutsCasino News DailyAlthough Maryland’s casinos have disposed of a considerable number of slot machines at their premises, those have generated about $622 million over the first eleven months of the fiscal year. Casino operators took a $229-million portion of the overall .Maryland Live casino remains strong despite Horseshoe’s .MarylandReporter.comAll Maryland casinos seek to lower return to player percentage to 85%World Casino DirectoryMaryland Live casino surviving Baltimore Horseshoe competitionBaltimore Post-Examiner6autres articles »Maryland Casinos Call for Lower Slots Payouts – Casino News Daily

Francetv infoLa situation des casinos en FranceFrancetv infoL’ouverture de ces tablissements ainsi que les machines sous dpendent du ministre de l’Intrieur. "Les casinos sont donc autoriss dans les stations balnaires, ainsi que dans les villes thermales, ce qui explique la forte prsence de casinos en .La situation des casinos en France – Francetv info