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Le top dpart de la saison culturellela Nouvelle RpubliqueNiortais d’origine, le jeune groupe de hard-rock Blackjack a entam hier en acoustique les festivits sur la place du Donjon avec un son rsolument rock’n roll que le public n’a pas manqu d’apprcier. Al’occasion de la rentre culturelle, la place .et plus encore »Le top dpart de la saison culturelle – la Nouvelle Rpublique

Gym Like This! kicks off its compulsory seasonTCPalmGym Like This! first place all-around and event champions at the 2012 Blackjack Invitational included: Front (L to R) – Madison Schupp and Manci Pal Middle (L to R) – Morgan Stevens and Becky Hampton Back (L to R) – Taylor Whigham and Bianca .Gym Like This! kicks off its compulsory season – TCPalm

Palm Beach PostGym Like This! opens season at Blackjack InvitationalPalm Beach PostLocal gymnasts from the Gym Like This! Level 4 and 5 teams traveled to Daytona Beach Sept. 29-30 to participate in the Blackjack Invitational. Level 4 gymnast Manci Pal of Palm Beach Gardens took home first place in the all-around competition with a 36.6.Gym Like This! opens season at Blackjack Invitational – Palm Beach Post