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Poker Tips’s teachable momentsBusiness StandardHis tips for a start-up entrepreneur meeting an investor: "The entrepreneur should bring out his full personality and articulate his business strategy early on. He should present the big . "Never pat yourself on the back even if the investor keeps a’s teachable moments – Business Standard

brandchannel.comPoker Ante: A Simple Way to Explain Brand Relevance .brandchannel.comIn a past McKinsey Quarterly, the authors used an easy-to-understand metaphor to explain brand relevance. They described it as poker antethe small payment needed to play a hand of poker. In other words, relevance is the minimum you need to compete, .Poker Ante: A Simple Way to Explain Brand Relevance . –

WLKY LouisvillePoker run fundraiser held in memory of Officer Jason EllisWLKY LouisvilleFor the third year, Matt Schrader, with Joe Hill’s Victory, is organizing a poker run in Ellis’ honor. The first year netted some $30,000 for Ellis’ widow and children and drew over 300 bikers. Schrader hopes this year’s event attracts not just bikers .et plus encore »Poker run fundraiser held in memory of Officer Jason Ellis – WLKY Louisville