Web poker has the ability to bring people together online. You now have the ability to get a poker game going with a group of friends without anyone leaving their home. Or, if you are a gambler, you can sit down at an online casino and gamble to your hearts content.
Bringing Web Poker to Life
Web poker began as in interactive site that allowed friends to play real poker online. It is similar to video games where people play against each other or with each other through the internet or phone lines. You can set it up so that everyone that you want to play can log on and sit down. These are generally for no stakes (handled by the internet server anyways).
Online poker has now turned into a full gambling ring. It is legal in every state as long as you are of age. The main poker tables will deal Texas Holdem, Stud or Draw. The games will not vary once you are seated at a table. The limits are set and the betting is restricted. Players are testing their abilities against other live players with the house acting as a dealer and receiving no hand.
If you can coordinate a table with your friends (through the same host), you and your friends can play for real money from your own internet access. While this might be difficult to get all of your friends exclusively at the same table, you can get a majority of them aboard. Chat features allow you to talk to them (well, type), just as if they were sitting right across from you.